Teachers can change the questions that appear to their students. General standards-aligned questions will appear for each book. When students answer questions about a book for which their teacher has added book-specific questions, they will have a choice between the book-specific questions and the general questions.
To customize reading response questions:
- Log in to your teacher account.
- From your dashboard, click Select and Edit Questions.
- Choose to Add questions by category for general questions, or Add questions by book for book-specific questions.
To customize questions by categories:
- Click and drag a question to the active section on the left to make the question active.
- Click and drag a question to the inactive section on the right to deactivate the question.
- Click the drop-down menu under Inactive Questions to view questions from other themes.
- Click the gear symbol under Active Questions to adjust the rate at which questions will shuffle. When questions are set to automatically shuffle, new questions will become active and the old question will become inactive. Questions can shuffle every day, every 3 days, every week, every month, or never. This helps take the load off the teacher while keeping it interesting for students.
- Click the pencil symbol next to a question to edit the text.
- To write a new question, type in the text box at the bottom of the Active Questions section and press enter to submit.
To customize questions by book:
- Click Add a Book to look up a book for which you would like students to answer book-specific questions.
- Type the title or author of the book to search, then select the correct book. Currently, only books that are in our database can be used for book-specific questions.
- Type your book-specific questions, hitting enter to submit each question.
- Click out of the box when you are finished writing questions for that book.